Kia Ora, our passion is high performance housing. Access to warm, draught free, earthquake resilient housing should be the right of every New Zealander...
Houses built today should still be relevant in 30 years time.
Healthy Homes for all Kiwis
Housing is about people. People working together in cooperation to provide Healthy Homes for people to live in.
As we learnt in the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES), there must equally be consideration of the land the home is founded on.
We need to improve new house design and construction first, to reduce the future legacy to our children’s generation. Fix tomorrow's issues today and yesterday’s issues tomorrow! Whether it is to make a difference for your family in a single house, a housing community or to change legislation, we all need to work jointly towards the same end, which is to achieve significant change. Give us a call on 0273481110 to see how we can make a difference together and cooperate to design and build you a healthy resilient home.
Healthy Homes for all Kiwis. Housing is about people. People working together in cooperation to provide Healthy Homes for people to live in.
Damien McGill: Engineering Happy Healthy Homes for People & Planet